Late Season Rally Pushes Trump Ahead of McEnany in Lie Count

With the end  of the 2016 – 2020 Political Season looming President Trump is warding off a strong push by challenger Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany in the much competed for Total Lie Count category. The nation’s official Lie Count Tabulator Sidney Kuputnik released an update this morning.

“Trump’s continued tweets of having won the election along with his related claims are sound and strong lies scoring singles, doubles and even one triple. In fact, Trump went twelve for twelve yesterday. This puts him well ahead of McEnany whose Grand Slam lie regrading the attendance at the MAGA- march in Washington on Saturday provided her with real hope in overcoming Trump by the end of the season.”

When asked by a Leuterers reporter if McEnany could possibly pull off a final inning victory Kuputnik said, “She’s not out of the game yet. There’s been talk in her camp of breaking out the big, big guns the day before the Electoral College Electors  are scheduled to cast their votes on December 14th. McEnany is rumored to be hard at work  crafting a narrative which claims President-Elect Joe Biden is in fact the evil clown from the Stephen King novel It.”

Kuputnik added, “Things are really shaping up to make this one of the most exciting season endings witnessed in decades. McEnany and Trump are engaged in an epic battle for the prestigious MAL Award (Most Accomplished Liar) and I’ll still have much work to do in tabulating the many more lies to come.”

The Sportsbook at Caesars Las Vegas currently has Trump over McEnany at  3 – 5 with the over/under at 10 to the 277th power.