Musk Clarifies X Tweet Spellcheck Error – “I Meant HoboTaxi Unveiling on 8/8, RoboTaxis Not So Soon”

Leuterers Market Desk, New York, NY

Following a wild day of roller coaster trading on Wall Street, Elon Musk released a tweet after regular trading hours saying, “RoboTaxi Unveil 8/8.”

 Tesla stock surged up $7 as a result after closing down over $6 in response to a Reuters article stating the company’s long and widely touted plan for a lower cost EV had been scrapped.

Musk apologized for a spelling error in his tweet and went on to state in an X Spaces Conference Call with select members of the press the following, “Hmmm, the spellcheck here has some trouble on occasion as spellcheck does everywhere. Not only here on X. Uh, anyway, what I typed was HoboTaxi, before spellcheck changed it. We need to put hobos to work. And HoboTaxis are the way to do it. I see Hobos in Model 3’s driving all over the world very soon. There are millions of hobos and we can build millions of Model 3’s.  And Hobos will work cheap. Very low costs are involved with hobos. You can neuralink them to the car and it’s all fine, no liability cost issues because they’re hobos. This will really push up our bottom line.”

When asked to clarify information regarding RoboTaxis, Musk replied, “Yeah, well, you know, the woke virus and the need for a red wave to keep us from becoming toast is getting in the way of RoboTaxi, but it should happen soon. But HoboTaxi, we can do that right now, or on August 8th when we put our first hobo behind the wheel. Put that in your MSM Fud pipe and smoke it, Reuters.”