McEnany Lie Count on Track To Catch Trump

With the end of the 2020/2021 Political Season looming, Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany is upping her game to catch up with her boss in lie count stats. Today she stated there were over a million Trump supporters marching near the White House when there were ten thousand at the most. The nation’s Official Lie Count Tabulator Sidney Kuputnik said to a Leuterers reporter, “That lie was so blatant and so outrageous it will be scored as the  equivalent of four lies in the same manner a grand slam home run scores four RBI’s for the batter hitting it.”

According to Kuputnik, McEnany is on track to possibly surpass the president in the Total Lie Category by the end of the season.

Many expert analysts had expressed little hope for McEnany, the rookie out of Harvard Law saying she would have by default taken too many ethics courses there to ever lie as well as her predecessors, much less her boss, President Trump. And she was starting late in the season after being brought up to the show from Washington’s local AAA farm team, The GOP Spokespeople.

Kuputnik, explained this saying, “They didn’t take into account, because of her good looks, the most obvious yet elusively confusing attributes of McEnany. Number one, she is very smart. Number two she is ruthlessly ambitious with absolutely no moral compass and number three, duhhhh…. she’s a woman.”

The Sportsbook at Caesars Las Vegas currently has McEnany at EVEN on surpassing Trump in Lie Count by the end of the season on January 20, 2021.

Editor’s Note: Full disclosure by Leuterers News Service requires we mention Sidney Kuputnik has been married and divorced six times thus his comments may be colored by his personal experiences. Leuterers News Service has no position on whether or not women are in fact by nature – as Kuputnik suggests –  manipulative, lying, heart breaking sirens from Hell who do not have any ability to look at their side of the street because the street is all theirs and men are only there temporarily and at their bequest and for financial and other short term purposes only and they may be removed and replaced at any time and upon any whim.

The Editor of the Editors Note: Full disclosure by Leuterers News Service requires we mention Editor-in-Chief Jed Murrow’s above note may be colored by the fact he had his heart broken horribly in the recent past over an issue of betrayal of the most notorious type. We are happy to report Jed is on track to recover somewhat though his heart likely will never entirely heal.

Legal Counsel to Leuterers News Service Note: Readers should disregard all Editors’ Notes in this article. The Editors’ Notes do not accurately reflect the position Leuterers News Service holds of total and complete equality towards all people be they male, female or somewhere in-between or on the other side or what have you.