Poll Reveals Dems Favor Election Recounts – Can’t Wait To See Trump Lose Again

Recent Leuterers/ACME Polling results show Democratic voters overwhelmingly support election recounts. Leuterers/ACME Polling utilizes the revolutionary and proprietary © SuperDuperAccuratePollingProcedure developed by legendary Leuterers/ACME pollster Ike-Rainman-Newton. The polling results are listed below:

In response to the question, “Are you in favor of state recounts of votes in the recent Presidential Election? Please choose one of the following multiple choice options:

  1. Yes
  2. Want to see Trump lose again
  3. Both 1. and 2.
  4. Laughing too hard to answer so all of above, press #4 on your keypad

Response to the poll showed 87% choosing response 4. and 13% saying there’s nothing funny about Bernie getting screwed over again.