Latest Election Polling Results

The latest Leuterers/ACME presidential election polling information is in. The results are as follows:

Among tobacco chewing, gun toting, unemployed, and educated males – no data

Among tobacco chewing, gun toting, unemployed, and non-educated males when asked who they support for President – 77% favored Trump with 23% supporting Biden or not understanding the question.

Among middle aged bitter women with or without education – 54% support Biden with 46% leaning toward Trump. 98% of those polled stated all men are bastards and are the cause of their ruined lives, alcoholism, and inability to lose weight.

Among voters of both sexes with friendly demeanors and positive outlooks upon life – 87% favor Biden with 13% favoring various Disney characters.

Among pets – 82% of dogs, cats, hamsters and ferrets in good health favor Biden. 18% favor a bowl of food and a nap. Those pets affected by rabies overwhelmingly favor Trump by 92%. The other 8% attempted to bite the pollsters and their responses could not be tabulated.