Trump Concedes! Hands TV Remote to Biden

Donald Trump and Joe Biden held a top secret meeting in the White House yesterday. Trump summoned Biden via Facebook Messenger by saying, “Joe get on over here, use the tunnel, don’t let anyone see you come in. I don’t want the fake news bothering us. I need to show you something really important. The most important thing an American president needs.” 

 In an exclusive Leuterers interview Biden said, “Mister Trump bought me into the Oval Office and showed me how to use the voice activated television remote. It was really cool.” Biden went into detail about the meeting, “Donald pushed the button and said ‘OANN’. He handed me the remote, I pushed the little button and said ‘Matlock’. Bingo, just like that Ben Matlock was in the courtroom arguing a case. I pushed the button and said, ‘Murder She Wrote’, then ‘Columbo’, then ‘Quincy”, and finally my favorite show of them all, ‘Barnaby Jones’. ”  Biden concluded the interview by saying “I think this is the most positive sign Mr. Trump is ready to hand over power. He really loves that remote control. His palms were sweaty when he handed it to me.”