“Stop Calling It A Clown Show” Clown Union President Urges

Clowns across the country are angry and have begun to speak out. The president of the International Brotherhood of Clowns, Carnival Ride Operators, and their helpers Local 154 released the following statement: “Stop calling the Trump administration and the actions of the morons who run it a clown show. This is an affront to clowns the world over.”

Union president Joe “Curly” Elliot addressing MSNBC’s Morning Joe host Willie Geist, “I heard you referring to Giuliani’s press conference as a clown show. Hey, Willie have you ever had to stand in the hot sun at a carnival and tie balloons for kids all day? I didn’t think so. Have you ever had one of those little shits give you a full open hand shot to your nuts? I didn’t think so.” Elliot told a Leuterers reporter, “We work our assess off clowning. We’re professionals here. I’ve been in clown shows, I know clown shows, Rudy Giuliani ain’t no clown show.”