Leuterers National Desk, Washington, D.C. Earlier today, President Trump added to his tweet of yesterday in which he threatened to begin arresting and…
California Bans Negative Thinking
In a press conference today California State Attorney General Rob Bonta announced an immediate ban on negative thinking. A smiling Bonta stated, “Once…
Biden Asks To Go Live On The Merv Griffin Show
President Joe Biden expressed a desire to announce the details of the infrastructure plan live on the Merv Griffin Show. Biden made the…
Jeff Bezos Blamed For Seattle Area Heat Wave
Seattle man Ted Johnson has assigned blame to Amazon overlord Jeff Bezos for the recent heat wave. When contacted by Leuterers for comment…
Biden Signs Executive Order Declaring a National Kenny Loggins Day
President Joe Biden today signed executive order number 4367. The order declared February 5, 2021 shall be designated “National Kenny Loggins Day.” In…
CEO of DeathStar Holdings, Inc. Speaks Out on GME and AMC – “We Will Crush Them”
In an exclusive Leuterers interview J.P. Palpatine III, the CEO of Wall Street’s most notorious hedge fund, DeathStar Holdings, Inc. said, “Listen here,…
Cruz Claims it Was Evil Twin Todd Cruz Who Supported Trump
Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) announced today he had just broken free from the basement in his Crawford, Texas home. In an exclusive Leuterers…
Giuliani to Crawl Back Under Rock From Which he Emerged
Trump lead stooge Rudy Giuliani will soon be retreating to his hideout located underneath a giant rock. The rock is located in a…
Trump Responds to Mob Attack on Capitol – “It Wasn’t Me, It Was Don Jr.”
Outgoing President Trump today responded to yesterday’s mob attack on the nation’s Capitol Building perpetrated by those who attended his speaking event just…
Trump Claims “It Was A Phony Phone Call”
On Sunday Donald Trump claimed his phone call to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger was a big prank. In an exclusive Leuterers…