Biden Signs Executive Order Declaring a National Kenny Loggins Day

President Joe Biden today signed executive order number 4367. The order declared February 5, 2021 shall be designated “National Kenny Loggins Day.”

In an exclusive Leuterers interview Biden said, “Dog gone it, I love me some Kenny Loggins. When I’m feeling my energy getting low in the afternoon I have two options. One is to do shots of Geritol, the other is to crank Danger Zone up to volume eleven. When we blast that song the whole vibe in the White House changes. People get pumped up, work gets done. It’s awesome, man!”

Biden continued singing the praises of the Everett, Washington born pop singer. “This order is designed to encourage the American people to go out and buy some Loggins records. Here’s the deal, look man, Loggins rocks! Get going people!”

Leuterers reporter Sid Talmedge noted Biden then seemed to become distracted, staring out the window and singing in a whispered tone, “Help me if you can I’ve got to get, back to the house at Pooh Corner by one, you’d be surprised there’s so much to be done.”

Taking this as a hint the interview was over Talmedge grabbed his Sony cassette recorder and packed up to leave. Talmedge parted, saying to Biden, “You might consider adding Jimmy Messina to that order. That guy had some talent too. He produced the Buffalo Springfield and joined the band when one of their members was deported to Canada.”  Biden nodded with his foot tapping and he was heard mumbling, “Loose, foot loose, everybody cut foot loose. Oh oh ohhhhhh,  loose, foot loose, everybody cut foot loose.”