Leuterers National Desk, Washington, D.C. Earlier today, President Trump added to his tweet of yesterday in which he threatened to begin arresting and…
Cruz Sends Barbie Doll To Tijuana For Illegal Surgery
Senator Ted Cruz, speaking in front of a group of right wing extremists on the Capitol Steps in Washington said, “I don’t like…
DeSantis Seeks Indictment – Dumps Bottle of Soap In Fountain
Presidential hopeful Ron DeSantis was briefly detained in Des Moines, Iowa Tuesday by two security guards at the Jordan Creek Town Center shopping…
Lauren Boebert Opens As Favorite In Scheduled Cage Fight With Marjorie Taylor Greene
Leuterers Sports Desk, Las Vegas, NV Las Vegas oddsmakers have opened the betting line at +140 for Lauren Boebert in her upcoming cat…
Recent Poll Suggests Trump Losing Some Support From Morons But Retains Strong Lead Among Imbeciles
Leuterers Political Desk, Washington D.C. In a recently released ACME/Leuterers Poll twice impeached and twice indicted former president Donald Trump is shown to…
AI Generated Mayor of Miami Announces GOP Bid For President
Leuterers National Desk, Washington D.C. Miami Mayor Frances Suarez today announced his candidacy for president running on the GOP ticket. Mayor Suarez is…
Tough Road Ahead For Smith in US v. Trump – Trump Plans To Mount “Greatest Witch-Hunt And Hoax Of All Time Super-Defense”
Leuterers National Desk, Washington D.C: Special Prosecutor Jack Smith today released the details of the 37 count indictment of former President Donald J….
Putin To Move Russian Nukes To Belarus – Western Leaders Yet To Comment
Leuterers International Desk, Helsinki, Finland: Satellite imagery showing state of the art Russian nuclear armaments soon to be moved to Belarus has Western…
Debt Deal Close – Freedom Caucus Special Funding To Investigate Gender Shifting Cannibal Communists In Govt. May Seal The Deal
Leuterers National Desk, Washington, D.C. President Biden appeared moments ago in the White House Press Briefing Room announcing a debt ceiling deal was…
Trump Announces Summer Rally Tour Dates – Plans To Build Best “Wall of Sound”
Leuterers Political Desk, Washington, D.C. Standing in front of an array of scaffolding and speakers, Donald Trump announced a schedule of summer tour…