Leuterers National Desk, Washington, D.C. Earlier today, President Trump added to his tweet of yesterday in which he threatened to begin arresting and…
Biden Pledges Support For Upper and Lower Volta
In a tense moment during a press conference today President-Elect Joe Biden had to ad lib when his teleprompter failed. Biden stared at…
Trump to Concede Says “Tiny Desk Is For Losers”
Donald Trump plans to spend the remaining days of his presidency sitting behind, “the tiny loser desk.” In an exclusive Leuterers interview the…
Trump University Forms “Real Electoral College”
A source close to Rudy Giuliani has told a Leuterers reporter Trump University has formed what it is referring to as its “Real…
Trump Pardons Boris and Natasha
Early today outgoing President Trump issued a pardon to Boris and Natasha, the sinister Russian characters in the early 1960’s cartoon program Rocky…
Randy Quaid Supports Trump Second Term
Seeming disoriented, confused, and obviously zonked on reds, actor Randy Quaid released a bizarre video on Tuesday. Quaid is lit with a strobe…
Leuterers Presents The New Year’s Must Read
Buy it For Yourself, a Loved One, and even people you don’t like.
Biden Names Hillary as Chief Hammer of Nail Trump Department
In a press conference today President-Elect Joe Biden announced the creation of a new special envoy position within his administration, the Nail Trump…
Biden to Wear Shock Collar When Addressing Public
President-Elect Joe Biden has agreed to heed his aides’ advice and will begin wearing a shock collar whenever addressing the American public. The…
Americans Doubling Down on Dumbness – Traveling for Holidays
Holiday travel is occurring at greater than expected levels despite warnings from health professionals, with over a million people a day crowding airports…