Leuterers National Desk, Washington, D.C. Earlier today, President Trump added to his tweet of yesterday in which he threatened to begin arresting and…
Latest Election Polling Results
The latest Leuterers/ACME presidential election polling information is in. The results are as follows: Among tobacco chewing, gun toting, unemployed, and educated males…
Ozzy Buffett Announces Benefit Concert
Local tribute musician Todd Barker, aka Ozzy Buffett announced he’ll be doing an online benefit concert. Speaking in a barely intelligible English accent…
Trump Discovers Water on the Moon. Sells Rights to Nestle.
President Donald Trump has claimed his space agency, NASA, has discovered water on the moon. In a statement Trump said, “Oh they found…
Biden Gives Speech to Pony
In an effort to reach out to more voters presidential candidate Joe Biden stopped his tour bus in rural Pennsylvania on Saturday. According…
Citizens Prevent Disaster on Texas Roadway
A group of concerned citizens joined together Saturday to pull over a Joe Biden bus headed to a Joe Biden rally. Apparently there…
Wes Craven Announces Production of New Horror Film Starring Senator Mitch McConnell
Renowned horror film writer, director, and producer Wes Craven announced on Halloween he is beginning production on his scariest film to date. Craven…
John Heilemann Mauled by Ceramic Chipmunk During News Broadcast
Tragedy struck the popular MSNBC News Program Morning Joe Friday morning when MSNBC Contributor John Heilemann was attacked by a ceramic chipmunk. Heilemann…
Don McLean Reveals He Was Drunk When Writing American Pie
In a recent interview songwriter Don McLean confessed to a Leuterers reporter he was drunk when he wrote his best selling hit song,…