Leuterers National Desk, Washington, D.C. Earlier today, President Trump added to his tweet of yesterday in which he threatened to begin arresting and…
Leuterers News Service has called the election for Thomas Dewey. The AP along with Reuters, The New York Times and various cable news…
Giuliani Claims to Have Located Antifa World Headquarters
Second String Attorney General Rudy Giuliani released a photo of a building he claims to be Antifa’s world headquarters. When asked to elaborate…
Trump to Replace Jefferson On Mt Rushmore
At two minutes after midnight Trump signed an executive order giving the Interior Department authorization to remove Thomas Jefferson from Mt. Rushmore. In…
Election Tensions Reach Breaking Point on Idaho/Washington Border
Earlier today President Trump praised Idaho’s 12 year old Hailey McNealy for pre-emptively sending a volley of russet potatoes across the border into…
Electoral Map Reveals Close Race
“It’s too close to call,” said Sally Bradshaw, chief chart reader for Chart Readers and Associates LLC PLC FCC FDA. Bradshaw continued, “When…
Whether Re-elected or Not Trump Vows to Raze Mt. Rushmore and Erect Statue of Himself
President Trump today stated regardless of the election outcome he would dynamite Mt. Rushmore to make way for his proposed statue of himself….
Transcendental State Goes To Biden
MSNBC has called the race in the Transcendental State. With 52 % of precincts reporting, Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough declared all six…
If Elected Biden Pledges to Continue Wall To Keep Trump Out
Joe Biden promised today if elected he will continue the Border Wall project. Biden stated to a Leuterers reporter, “There are two issues…
World Turning, Expected To Continue Following Presidential Election
Scientists confirm the Earth is still spinning on its axis nearly four years into the Trump administration. Regardless of tomorrow’s election results NASA’s…