Recent Poll Shows Trump Slipping Among Morons – Imbecile Support Remains Strong

Leuterers National Desk, Washington, D.C.

The most recent poll released by the long-respected Leuterers/ACME Polling is signaling alarm bells for the Trump 24 Campaign.

The Leuterers/ACME industry benchmark polling is showing a continued decrease of support from American Morons – once Trump’s primary base – though support from American Imbeciles remains at all-time highs. A previous poll identified this potential problem for Trump’s bid well over a year ago.

Political analysts across the spectrum are in agreement as to why the decreasing support has stepped up of recent.

Stated Biff Taylor from OAN, “It’s the Kennedy effect. Morons are flocking to him like flies on butter. Butter left out in the sun. Outside, you know, where the sun is and when it’s hot and the butter melts and there are a lot of flies around.”

Said Latisha Moloshkovits-Park-Chong-Garcia-Cohen of MSNBC, “Yes, Kennedy hit big with the idea of staging a hit and run with a dead bear cub in Central Park, creating an elaborate and unnecessary cover-up, and then leaking the entire scenario to the press. This is very attractive to American Morons who quite frankly, were becoming bored with Trump.”

None of this seems to have fazed American Imbeciles, who are now the core of Trump’s voter base, according to Taylor.

Added Moloshkovits-Park-Chong-Garcia-Cohen. “Biff is right. Imbeciles are the core and if Trump loses them, he’s done for.”