Vance Proposes Implementing Caste System – “My Wife Has Many Great Ideas”

Leuterers National Desk, Washington, D.C.

Trump running mate, J.D. Vance, the junior senator from Ohio, stated in a press release the idea of implementing a Caste System in the USA following my “certain victory come November.”

Stated the release, “America needs a Caste System. It’s worked in India for thousands of years, it will work here. It’s simple and keeps the riff-raff where they belong, voiceless, powerless, and busy doing the dirty and dangerous work we don’t want to do.

“A Three Caste System is a simple and workable solution to remedy the ills plaguing this once great nation. The Lower Caste will be comprised of democrats and/or anyone else not voting the Vance/Trump ticket. The Middle Caste will be made of those who supported the Vance/Trump ticket but who have a net worth under $100M. The Upper Caste will be the rest of us.

“This is a great idea and it is not weird, not weird at all. It’s my wife’s idea, my wife has many great ideas and she is not weird, she’s just from India. In closing, I am J.D. Vance, and I support my wife’s ideas.”