Congressional Democrats today unveiled their ‘Don’t Say DeSantis’ bill. The legislation, if passed, would create a law requiring all citizens to immediately cease and desist from speaking the Florida Governor’s name. In addition the law would also require anyone hearing another speak the governor’s name to immediately cover their ears and say loudly, “Lalalalalalala, I can’t hear you. Lalalalalalala.”
This bill is expected to have a very contentious debate period in the House and Senate. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has long stated that any introduction of a ‘Lala – I can’t hear you” provision into legislation would be considered a nuclear option and would require in response a ‘more nuclear option’.
McConnell stated, “If they use the ‘Lala-I can’t hear you option’ we will hit back and hit hard with our own ‘I know you are – but what am I?’ option and that, being a more nuclear option, will tie them in knots from here until Sunday. And we have plenty of people in powerful leadership roles in the GOP who can say that over and over and over and over until the cows come home or Jesus becomes a Democrat – and we all know that ain’t gonna happen.”