Casinos Report Record Inflow As Musk/Trump Interview Betting Line Opens

Current Lie Count O/U 147 ½  

Leuterers Sports Desk, Las Vegas, NV

Las Vegas casinos and online gambling apps are all reporting record betting as gamblers across the world begin placing wagers on the Musk/Trump interview which will be held on the X Spaces platform Monday, August 12th.

The betting lines are numerous and offer complex arrays including numerous parlays, trifectas, and a pick six.

The benchmark bet – the Over/Under on Total Lie Count currently stands at 147 ½ but is expected to revise higher as expert analysts weigh in. The Total Lie Count is that number of lies which is expected to be told by the two parties, Musk and Trump, during the interview.

Stated Las Vegas Lie Count Odds-making legend Max the Flush, “That count will go much higher. Trump alone can easily belt out a hundred lies during any given interview. And Musk is no slouch, he lies like a rug.”

Other bets include:

Use counts of the following terms: Kamala (must be mispronounced), Obama, Woke, Vermin, Liberals, Communists, Antifa.  

Use counts of the following phrases: Cities burning, Poisoning the blood, Never before, Highest ratings ever, Lowest ratings ever, Greatest since Lincoln, Greatest since Jesus, We’ve known each other a long time, I love this man, Great American hero.

How many times and during which periods of the interview do either/both participants nauseatingly ingratiate themselves with the other (in gamblers parlance, this is referred to by its acronym AK)

Which ego is declared the victor.

And finally, which participant is first to denigrate the other on social media following the interview’s conclusion.