President Biden gave the world a scare after getting lost in what he thought was a corn maze. Biden wandered away from an event into a corn field in rural Delaware, thinking it was part of “Uncle Hank’s Haunted Halloween Farm”. Trading on the New York Stock Exchange was halted as the story leaked about the president’s disappearance. Speaking to a Leuterers reporter after he was found, Biden said, “Hey man, that is a serious maze. No joke, I’m not kidding around. There were three things about that maze. There was the one thing, come on man, the one thing is a thing. And you know folks, you know, the two thing too. Number three, I’m not joking around, three was tough.”
Biden summed up his experience by saying, “I came out here to have a little Halloween fun. Hey man, carve the things, the orange things, you know, you folks know what I’m talking about. I dressed up like the alien from Close Encounters. You know the drill, come on folks, you know. Then I got lost in the maze, the thing with corn. Man, I’m serious here, no joke, not kidding around. That thing was hard to solve.”
The bipartisan event featured Mitch McConnell, dressed as the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz, going for a hayride with Adam Schiff, who was dressed as Robin from Batman. Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Grassley bobbed for apples, both losing their upper plates in the process. A splendid time was had by all the attendees.
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